SUBTOTAL is a little-known function in spreadsheet programs. Despite its robustness, it is far less prevalent than functions such as SUM and AVERAGE. Let’s look at what you can do with this function in using this template to follow along.



SUBTOTAL returns an aggregate result for a range of cells based on the specified function code.

Video Explanation

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SUBTOTAL Video Tutorial


=SUBTOTAL(function_code, range1, [range2,...])

  • function_code – The function to use for the aggregation.
    • 1 – AVERAGE
    • 2 – COUNT
    • 3 – COUNTA
    • 4 – MAX
    • 5 – MIN
    • 6 – PRODUCT
    • 7 – STDEV
    • 8 – STDEVP
    • 9 – SUM
    • 10 – VAR
    • 11 – VARP
  • range1 – The first range for which to calculate the selected function.
  • range2… – [OPTIONAL] Additional ranges over which to calculate the chosen function.


There are many situations where the SUM function falls short, in which case the SUBTOTAL with a function code of 9 acts as a substitute. Let’s look at an example.

Example 1 – Using SUBTOTAL to SUM a Range

If you had a dataset containing subtotals for different categories and you wanted to find the total, you would have a few options at your disposal.

For example, you could use the + operator to add the cells one by one =cell1+cell2+cell3+... which could be tedious. Similarly, you could use the SUM function, which is susceptible to double counting. Instead, we could use SUBTOTAL to make the job much easier.

Before we look at how we can use SUBTOTAL in place of SUM, let’s understand how it works. As aforementioned, the syntax is =SUBTOTAL(function_code, range1, [range2],...). The function code is a predefined constant that represents what operation you wish to perform. You can apply any of the 11 operations within the function that are listed above.

If we wanted to get the total of a range containing subtotals, our number of interest would be 9 because 9 corresponds to SUM. As a result, the formula would be =SUBTOTAL(9, range1, [range2],...). There is one caveat, however. You have to calculate the smaller totals first using the SUBTOTAL function. Lost? Take a look at the following dataset:

The SUBTOTAL function double counting
Incorrect total

We can quickly see that the above total is incorrect. SUBTOTAL is adding all values in the specified range regardless of whether they are a total or not. This double-counting isn’t helpful to us and is quite similar to what the SUM function would do. How can we fix this?

We have to calculate the totals in cells B7 and B15 using the SUBTOTAL function with a function code of 9 so that the total will ignore these cells. After making this switch, this is what we get:

Two sets of data being single added due to SUBTOTAL function
Correct total

Nice! The formula now gives us the correct total.

Example 2 – SUBTOTAL with Filtered Data

If you are using filters in your spreadsheet, the SUBTOTAL will treat the filtered data differently than the underlying function, such as AVERAGE. The AVERAGE function will include filtered rows in its calculation.

Note that AVERAGE is one of the eleven functions available, and this difference is true for all eleven.

AVERAGE and SUBTOTAL showing the same result
No Filters Applied to Data

The SUBTOTAL function will exclude filtered data by only using the visible rows after filters are applied.

AVERAGE and SUBTOTAL showing different results
One Filter Applied to Data

Example 3 – The Cell Indentation Alternative

With the ability to create row hierarchies in, you can derive subtotals differently. Depending on how you structure your data, using functions specifically made for row hierarchies could provide a more robust method of subtotaling groups of data.

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First, we have rearranged the data so that you can set up row hierarchies. The “North Region” and “South Region” have been moved above their respective salespeople, and the label of “Salesperson” is at the top. The empty cells in column B are ready for our new formulas.

Data in the table has been moved around
New Arrangement of Data

After arranging the data, select each block of data to be grouped. Choose the Indent rows option on the menu, as shown in the animation below.

Indenting Rows

The CHILDCELLS formula does not need a cell range as long as you place it in the empty parent cell. =CHILDCELLS() with nothing inside the parenthesis will work, which we used in this example.

Results of SUM combined with CHILDCELLS

Now that we combined the SUM formula and the CHILDCELLS formula into =SUM(CHILDCELLS()), you can get subtotals without worrying about double counting.

See Also

Read more detail on the indentation feature to nest data under parent cells. Indentation allows subtotaling using the CHILDCELLS function.

Indenting rows
Indented Rows

Learn how to choose between the SUM function and the SUBTOTAL function.

Thumbnail showing SUBTOTAL vs SUM

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